Friday, August 10, 2012

Time Untime by Sherrilyn Kenyon

I just finished this recently. Time Untime is the latest book in Sherrilyn Kenyon’s bestselling series, the Dark-Hunter series. When I first read the summary of the book, I wasn’t interested because I didn’t really know the characters because they were mostly introduced in the book that came before it, Retribution. 
Ren Waya has lived for over eleven thousand years. His mother was a goddess, but she was forbidden to ever meet her son. His father hated him because he always reminded him of Ren’s mother. Also, Ren stuttered when he was a little kid which made his life hell. His brother and their tribe made fun of him and they all literally called him mentally retarded. Ren came back from the dead as a Dark-Hunter, but he never sought his vengeance. He has always been alone, but now he might actually have something to fight for…
Kateri Avani has been having dreams all her life. She dreams of a man killing her. Her father abandoned her and her mother when she was younger. Her mother, stepfather, and grandmother had all passed away, and now Kateri lives alone. She never realized she had a greater purpose than just being a scientist… Her ancestry leads her to Ren Waya…
This book was great. The only thing I hated about it was that there were many things going on that sometimes confused me. There was the fact that the world was ending (the apocalypse) and all. However, the characters were great and their story was both fun and sweet. I feel bad for Ren, and I’m also happy for him. Kateri was definitely a great character and she’s not one of those whiny characters, which was definitely great! I definitely recommend this book to Dark-Hunter fans and Romance fans! I can’t wait for Styxx’s book.