Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Just finished reading this book a couple of minutes ago... and all I can say is: AMAZING! Hands down, feet down, face down amazing. Onyx did not disappoint and it was definitely better than the first book! The relationship between Daemon and Katy was sizzling hot and amazing. They are literally meant for one another. Onyx starts off where Obsidian left off, and readers get to see a different side of Daemon that will make them love him even more.

There are more action and mystery in this book which made it even more interesting and kept me on my toes. I couldn't keep my eyes off the book and I literally could not get off my butt unless I finished reading the book and finally find out what happened to Daemon's brother and who the traitors are! Honestly, I was not expecting much out of this book because I wasn't interested in the idea of aliens as the main subject, but after reading this, I love aliens.

Daemon is an amazing character. He's rude, sweet, funny, arrogant, hot, protective, and powerful. The book is pretty much centered on Daemon and Katy's relationship and how they overcome the problems that they'll face. I loved Katy. She's an awesome character even if there were times when I wanted to smack her because she can't make a decision, but other than that her character was great. The chemistry between Daemon and Katy is just off the charts and they're definitely a great pair.

I loved how Katy matured in this book. She wasn't whiny which was definitely great. Her wit, attitude, and strength just makes her who she is, and are what makes her such an interesting character. You can never go wrong with a hot male character and a strong, witty female character put together in one sizzling book about aliens.

I recommend this book to fans of romance, YA, aliens, action, mystery, thriller. All I'll say is this: just read it.

I can't wait for the next book in the series, Opal, which is releasing on December 11!!!! I can honestly say that I don't regret deciding to read this series when I was really bored.