Thursday, August 30, 2012

Howl For It by Shelly Laurenston & Cynthia Eden

Like a Wolf With a Bone by Shelly Laurenston

Well, I'm a big fan of Shelly Laurenston's Pride series so I definitely wanted to read this short story about Egbert Ray -Eggie- Smith and Darla Mae Lewis. I love Shelly Laurenston's stories because she manages to make her books funny even if they are filled with predators such as wolves, lions, polar bears, grizzly bears, tigers, hyenas, wolfdogs, hybrids, etc. Her books are always funny and the romances are very sweet. All her books in the Pride series are my favorite so I'll recommend them all!

This short story about Eggie and Darla Mae (Dee-Ann Smith's parents) is definitely good for a quick read and something to keep you occupied while waiting for Laurenston's next books in her Pride and Dragon Kin series.

Eggie is good at killing, probably the only thing he's good at. Darla Mae is the youngest sister of Janie Mae Lewis (Bubba Ray's wife & Smitty's mother). She finally meets Eggie outside her family's home when a bunch of humans tried to kill her. Eggie rescues Darla and brings her back to Smithtown. Darla is the only one who is not scared of Eggie and she hates it when people talk bad about him. 
It was sweet seeing the romance build between Eggie and Darla. Their story definitely brings about another side of Eggie that we knew was there but other books never mentioned. He's actually one of the nicest wolf, well, when it comes to Darla and his Sugar Bug. 

We also read about other characters that we didn't know about such as the original Smith boys' mother & father. Eggie is their mother's favorite, while Bubba Ray has already been established as the next Alpha of the Smith pack. We also see a similarity between Smitty & Bubba Ray. They both took a while to mate their mates, except Smitty had a child with Jessie Ann AFTER they already mated. 

The verdict: Great short story about Eggie & Darla. Definitely a must-read. I'm not sure about Cynthia Eden's short story because I only read a few of her books & I don't know the main character Gage Ryder. However, fans of Pride series should definitely read it! The Lewis sisters definitely reminded me of Ronnie Lee, Dee-Ann, and Sissy Mae.