Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher

If you like Science Fiction/Fantasy, then you'll definitely love this series! This series focuses on Harry Dresden, a wizard for hire. Murphy, a cop, stumbles upon Harry's business and hires him to help her solve crimes. They have a rocky relationship; Murphy is a cop who has to abide by the laws, while Harry is a wizard who deals with supernatural stuff. It's a difficult life having to explain to humans how such weird things can happen and that witches, wizards, faes, and other creatures do exist.
You can't help but love Harry right from the start. I certainly did. He's a laid back wizard and he's awesome! He uses humor to deal with life's problems and it makes solving crime easier. He hasn't had the easiest childhood, especially being a wizard and all. Harry matures throughout this series. He goes through many difficult challenges and you're heart just goes out for him throughout the series. Harry Dresden is a character many will love. His journey is one you'll willingly participate in. 
I don't want to give away any spoilers, so I can't really say much. The series is full of action and mystery. This series pretty much introduced me to the world of science fiction & fantasy (along with Goodkind's Sword of Truth series). 
I definitely recommend this series. It's a great series and it's got action, mystery, romance, humor, and many more. There are also werewolves, wizards, witches, faes, cops, winter knights, vampires, and many more! I love the series and hopefully you will too!
1. Storm Front
2. Fool Moon
3. Grave Peril
4. Summer Knight
5. Death Masks
6. Blood Rights
7. Dead Beat
8. Proven Guilty
9. White Knight
10. Small Favors
11. Turn Coat
12. Changes
13. Ghost Story
My favorite is Changes, because it really shows how much Harry has changed and what he's going through. He had to make many difficult decisions in this book because of the life he lives. I hope Harry comes back (you'll know what happens in Ghost Story).