Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Intertwined Series by Gena Showalter

The first time I saw the first book of this series online, I literally ran to the bookstore. I don’t know why, but I just had a feeling that this was going to be a great series. I love Gena Showalter’s books and they never disappoint. This is her YA series, but it’s kind of darker and edgier than other YA books involving vampires and werewolves that I’ve read. It’s not like a horror story or anything, it’s just that the plot and the characters are more… mature. 
Aden Stone has always heard voices in his head. His parents thought he was crazy. His doctors thought he was crazy. Other crazy patients thought he was crazy. Aden wasn’t crazy. He literally has 4 human souls in his body. One can time travel. One can raise the dead. One can possess another human. One can tell the future. That sounds cool right? It’s not. Because of these souls, Aden has been transferred to different juvies and mental institutions. He’s been having visions of a beautiful girl, the girl who will either save him or kill him. 
The series does have its flaws, but I thought the Aden’s story was an original one. He’s this kid who stopped believing that anyone will ever take him seriously and the kid that will forever remember that his parents ditched him when he was young. When I first started the series, I was confused because of the summary on the cover…and those that read it will understand this. Overall, the series is a good one and it’s pretty easy to read even if they’re like 600 pages long because the books are small. The only downside is that the next book doesn’t release until 2013, so yeah long wait. New readers have a lot of time to catch up.
The books so far are: IntertwinedUnraveled, and Twisted. The 4th book is probably the last one focusing on Aden and Gena will make a spinoff series out of this. 