Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kiss of Pride by Sandra Hill

This is the first book in the new Deadly Angels series. I didn’t know what to expect when I first saw this book, but I was definitely surprised (in a good way) when I read the book. I think this is the first book I’ve read about Viking Vampire Angels. Actually, I’m not sure I’ve read any book about vampire angels…
Anyways, the book is about Alexandra Kelly and Vikar. Vikar is a Viking Vampire Angel on a thousand-year-long mission with his sinful brothers. Alexandra Kelly doesn’t know whether to believe Vikar because the town they live in is just… a joke. Everywhere you look there’s vampire shirts, vampire drinks, and whatever else there is that can be linked to vampires. All Alexandra wants is to interview Vikar and go back to her life. A life that doesn’t involve Viking Vampire Angels.
Vikar thinks Alexandra is the woman of his dreams, he just needs to convince her to stay with him forever.
The book definitely has a lot of humor in it and the story is original, but the book does have its flaws. I think as the series goes on that the books will get better. This book was just not as great because it’s the first book in the series so they had to introduce a lot of new things. Especially the whole Viking Vampire Angel stuff. It really depends on the reader if whether or not they’ll like the book. I liked it because I thought it was a fun and easy read but there were parts where I just wanted the author to skip or rewrite.