Monday, September 24, 2012


Hey guys!

Sorry about the lack of reviews/posts lately. I've been busy catching up with stuff and I'm definitely trying to post as much as I can! 

Next up on my list of books to read is The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa, which I'm very excited about reading. I got an ARC copy so hopefully I can get a review up soon (depending on the rules of the publisher, I might have to wait until the release date). 

Anyways, in book news, October 23 is coming up! Probably the most awesome day of the year 2012. To name a few, Beautiful Redemption by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl, Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick, and The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa are all releasing that day!

Other notable October releases are: October 2Reflected in You by Sylvia Day, Mortal Ties by Eileen Wilks, Poison Princess by Kresley Cole, and Phantom Shadows by Dianne Duvall.

Definitely can't wait for these books to release and I'll post any updates for you guys! I also want to remind you guys that I have another blog just in case you can't access my tumblr page. If you have any questions/suggestions/books for me to review, feel free to contact me. I believe my email is on my tumblr page. If you guys also need any books to read just ask and I'll try and suggest some books to read. 

Year's almost over but I feel like September has been going by real slowly. However, this is usually the time of the year where many good books are releasing so get ready!

So, anyways, I'll end this post by saying I hope you guys have a great Tuesday! :)

- Your Book Buddy