Sunday, September 30, 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird

This book is probably the only one I was thankful for that my teachers forced me to read it. I thought it was going to be another horribly written/boring book, but I was surprised to find it interesting and inspiring.

Who knew having a kid named Scout as a narrator was actually cool? I'll be honest and say that I literally cringed when I heard my teacher summarize the book before we read it, but the book was actually more complex than he made it sound. The characters are great and they'll definitely stay with you for a long time. Atticus Finch & Boo Radley anyone? Ha.

The opening lines of the book already gets you hooked, because you're like how did Jem break his arm?! After that, Scout takes you to a journey you'll never forget. She'll hit places such as racism and family. She'll show you her views on the events unfolding before you, and how different a child's POV is from an adult's. 

She'll show you true strength when faced with hate and anger. She'll show you to never judge just because you heard stories from people in your town. She'll show you forgiveness and innocence. She'll show you how biased and arrogant people have become and that the color of your skin should not matter. It's who you are inside that matters. 

Can't believe that anyone could hate this book. It's simple. It's awesome. It's inspiring. Read it!
The only other book that I liked was The Outsiders. Other than that, school books are not so great or interesting. 

P.S. I will never forget the characters Atticus Finch & Boo Radley. They're the most awesome characters of all time. If you read this book, then you'll understand.