Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How to Drive a Dragon Crazy by G.A. Aiken

This book is the 6th book in the Dragon Kin series by G.A. Aiken (Shelly Laurenston).

I have been waiting for Éibhear & Izzy's story since I first started the series. They've known each other since Izzy was only 16 and Izzy has been in love with Éibhear for a long long time. 

In Keita's book, I was definitely angry with the way Izzy, Celyn, & Éibhear handled their little love triangle. Izzy knew that her cousin Celyn was a playboy but she still slept with him anyways. She did it because she "thought" Éibhear wouldn't ever find out, but of course, he did.

In this book, Éibhear & Izzy are definitely over the whole Celyn thing and so is Celyn. It was good and bad at the same time. It was bad because I thought they should've talked about it more and I also wanted Izzy to become jealous because Éibhear attracted many women. It was good because then we'll have more adventures and arguments with these two characters who seem to always argue like Briec & Talaith (but not as bad).

Even as much as I loved the book, there were also flaws in it. There were too many things going on and it seems as if Izzy & Éibhear had a lot of things to do. We meets new characters such as the witches (Talaith's mother & grandmother), the Sand Dragons, the kin of Izzy's birth father, the Mi-runach, a blind god, and many more. 

It's been 10 years since the last book so many things have changed. I think Keita finally mated Ragnar, the twins are now grown and are definitely scary, Talaith's daughter Rhi is also grown, Dagmar has a grown nephew that is abandoned by her kin, Izzy has a grown "dog", and Éibhear finally comes back to see his family.

I liked the book. It had a great plot and it kept me entertained, but I think the mating of Éibhear & Izzy was a bit rushed (and you have to wait quite a bit) which was a huge downside to the book. But! I loved the interactions between Éibhear & Izzy and you'll definitely see why Izzy fell in love with Éibhear and how Éibhear changed after he transitioned from child to adult (in dragon years).

I definitely recommend this book, and I believe that the series is definitely not over because this book has many different characters that are definitely worthy for their own books.