Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Driving Mr. Dead by Molly Harper

This is the first book in Molly Harper's Half Moon Hollow series.

Miranda's mother, father, and brother are all lawyers. She isn't. She was supposed to marry her fiancé Jason, but she met his childhood "friend" Lisa. Turns out that Jason's been texting Lisa that he loves her behind Miranda's back. What a great boyfriend.

Now, Miranda's got a new job. She's now a driver for Beeline, a company that offers to drive vampires around. Her first client? Mr. Collin Sutherland. He has to deliver a suitcase to another vampire named Ophelia Lambert. The suitcase is very important, and Collin doesn't even let her touch it.

As a matter of fact, Collin is grumpy, rude, picky, and he's afraid of flying. Miranda's first impression to her new passenger wasn't the greatest, but hey, they have days of driving ahead of them, so what else can go wrong? Too many to count.

With old, dirty motels and long drives ahead of them, Collin suddenly realizes that even if Miranda was a magnet for danger and very unpredictable, she's awesome and he cares about her. Now, if only Miranda doesn't feel guilty about being with Collin while she was on a "break" from her ex. Turns out her ex makes the decision easy for her... (you'll find out that he's even a greater jerk!).

Anyways, this book is a fun and easy read. There's a lot of humor in it and Miranda is a great narrator. She's tough, unpredictable, and funny. Collin is your typical rude and rich vampire that hasn't been out of his house for a long, long time.

The verdict: Great read, plenty of humor, and charming characters. I really felt bad for Miranda near the end... she should've trusted her instincts about Jason.