Friday, January 18, 2013

On Dublin Street


Wow. This is probably one of the best books I've read so far. It was a great and refreshing story that just felt new and creative.

Jocelyn Butler had the perfect family. She had the perfect mom, dad, and little sister. But suddenly life took them all away. She was sitting in her class when the cops suddenly came and told her about the car accident that took her family. Joss has never been the same since. Now, it's been eight years since her family died. She has been keeping them locked away in the back of her mind and everything was "fine". That is until Braden Carmichael came barreling into her life.

Joss now lives in Scotland and after searching for a new place to stay at, she stumbles upon an apartment on Dublin Street. It was a little more expensive than the other places she had ever rented or wanted to rent, but she just couldn't resist. She meets her new roommate Ellie Carmichael who is just the sweetest, nicest person she had ever met. Things were going great until Braden comes into the apartment and confesses that he is Ellie's brother (funny scene). 

I think what made this book great was that you could really understand what Joss was going through. She went through a really tough time in her life when her family passed away and she spent a couple of years in her life partying hard and just not caring what happened to herself. My favorite part of the book was when Joss says that she was broken and that Braden should stop trying to fix her. That line just keeps popping up in my head. There was also another reason why Joss thinks she's a curse and why her relationship with Braden seemed impossible.

The book is in first person POV but even though you as a reader knows what Joss is thinking, you still don't know what happened to her family and those few years that she was in a foster home. However, the book wasn't sad all the time. The book also had soooo many funny scenes. My head was literally reeling because one moment I'm sad and depressed, and the next I'm laughing my head off because of Braden, Ellie, or Joss herself. 

Braden was this rich, hot guy that Joss first meets on her way to see the apartment on Dublin street. He's a playboy, but he keeps the girls in "arrangements" before breaking up with them and moving on with someone else. He's actually Ellie's half brother, and his story will make you cry. I think he really fits Joss because he understands her and doesn't judge her because of how she deals with her past. We all deal with our pasts/baggages in different ways. Oh, and did I mention he was hot?

Anyways, the book was a really good read. I didn't know what to expect when I first started reading it because I didn't know much about the author and the summary was pretty short. Joss was a really cool character and Braden was just Braden. Every character in the book just either made you love them or hated them. 

My suggestion: just read the book! :)

There's a second book to this series, Down London Road, which doesn't release until May 7!

Oh, and there's a little Christmas scene that the author wrote about Joss and Braden! It's at: