Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ecstasy in Darkness & Dark Taste of Rapture

Okay, I'm a huge fan of Gena ShowaltersLords of the Underworld series, Intertwined series, Angels of the Dark series, and Atlantis series, so I decided to try out the other books in her Alien Huntress series (I read Seduce the Darkness, which is the 4th book in the series)!!!

Ecstasy in Darkness (#5) & Dark Taste of Rapture (#6) are freakin' awesome books! There's only been a handful of books that had heroines that I really loved and worshipped, so when I met Ava and Noelle I was like jfshgkfhj. They're hilarious, awesome, tough, and they're best friends forever. At first, I was really hesitant to read about either girl because they were only trainees when Ecstasy in Darkness began so I thought they were going to be whiny and annoying. Wow, they proved me wrong. Ava and Noelle look out for one another, and even though they came from different sides of the town, Ava came from a poor neighborhood which was pretty much the worst side of town and Noelle came from a rich family, richer than God, they both understand one another and have each other's backs. Their interactions with one another are so funny and I couldn't help but laugh out loud each time. Many people don't understand their relationship because they're so honest with one another and they pretty much insult one another whenever they can. I also liked the fact that their books came right after one another so we really felt sad when Noelle's book started and she was happy for Ava but sad for herself. 

The men in their lives were also awesome! McKell, the ex-leader of the vampire army who was engaged to Bride for a looooong time, turned out to be a real sweetheart, well only to Ava anyways. He's possessive, strong, and adorable. I really loved the romance between McKell and Ava and they are really perfect for one another. McKell, who hates humans, couldn't help but fall in love with human Ava. It was fun seeing the "mighty vampire" fall hard and change his ways just for Ava. He also finds out more about his parents and his abilities. Then, there's Hector Dean. He's not usually the type Noelle goes for, but ever since she first saw him at her training, sparks were definitely flying. He's cold, tattooed, and he's a walking deadly weapon, but he's also the perfect man to catch Noelle. He comes from the same side of town as Ava, so he believes that he doesn't deserve Noelle, but Noelle could care less if he was rich or poor. All she cares about is his love for her and that he won't try and change her. 

I definitely recommend these books, and the series (So far I've only read books #4-6). Ava, Noelle, McKell, and Hector are definitely awesome characters that will make you laugh out loud, cry, and piss you off (in a good way). 

I'm not sure what the next book in the series will be titled or when it will be released, but the books #1-4 are: Awaken me Darkly (1st person), Enslave me Sweetly (1st person), Savor Me Slowly (3rd person), and Seduce the Darkness (3rd person). Hopefully the next book will be Dallas'!!