Saturday, December 22, 2012

Wild About You by Kerrelyn Sparks

I was so excited to read Howard's story... but I was disappointed with how the book turned out. 
Howard was a great character, but I thought his story was a bit repetitive and exaggerated. The home decoration show did not help make the book interesting and it kind of seems like it was the first idea that popped up in Ms. Sparks' mind. It annoyed me when Howard said that he fell in love with Elsa while he was secretly watching her shows. 

Howard was a really cute teddy bear... I mean were-bear. Elsa was a good character but she was really annoying at times. She always changes her mind. One minute she's angry at Howard or she wants to stay away from him, and then another minute she's so in love with Howard that she doesn't care about the curse.

Overall, the book was an easy read and it was fun, but there were parts where I felt like slamming my head against the wall. I do recommend the book especially if you are a huge fan of the Love at Stake series because there are major things that happened in the book.