Saturday, December 22, 2012

Beautiful Redemption by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Finally! I've been waiting to read this book since it first released on Oct. 23. At first, I was very hesitant to read this because of it's synopsis. I don't know why but I've never liked books where one of the main character was dead or kinda dead but can still come back to life. I haven't read a book where they did a really good job keeping readers interested and not bored with the character's journey back to life.
However, I've been a fan of this series since I first saw Beautiful Creatures, so I gave it a try. I also wanted closure with this series, and since this is the final novel in this awesome series, I definitely wanted to read it. 

Ethan's journey back to life was long, but it was interesting and it did not bore me. I thought that the authors did a really good job with the whole idea about Ethan still having a chance to come back even though he sacrificed his life to save the world. This novel brought a whole new side to Ethan that I haven't really seen before. I felt like he really wanted to come back for Lena, Amma, and his dad. His reunion with his mother was very emotional, but what made me cry was his encounters with Amma. 
Lena's POV was shorter than Ethan's, but at least we also had the chance to see things from Lena's POV. She did everything she could to help Ethan come back and she never gave up even when pretty much everyone around her didn't believe that Ethan had a chance to come back. 

The only negative thing I had with this book was its ending. I felt that the ending was a little rushed and that they should've taken more time with the ending because this isn't just an ending for this book, it's an ending for the series. I don't want to give so much away and spoil it for those who haven't read it yet.

Overall, the book was awesome and bittersweet at the same time. I can't believe one of my favorite series just ended. I was secretly hoping that they would go for at least 5 books. Anyways, I hope they'll make a spinoff series featuring Link and Ridley. That would be awesome. Or with Liv and John. :)