Saturday, December 15, 2012

Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Finally! After declaring Onyx (the second book in the Lux series) as one of the best books I've read, I was excited to get my hands on Opal! Jennifer L. Armentrout definitely proved to us that she's a great author.

In Obsidian, we discovered a whole new world filled with Luxen. In Onyx, we became an even bigger fan of Daemon Black. In Opal, we see a whole new side of Daemon Black.

I really didn't know what to expect after reading the ending of Onyx. We discovered that one of the characters was alive and that things are definitely becoming serious and crazy. Blake, who's now an annoying and creepy character, returns in Opal, much to my disappointment. He's downright creepy and when he first returned, I literally looked up and asked myself "why?". Why did I ever consider this guy as a good character when I first met him in Onyx?

I love the series, but I thought this book was somewhat disappointing (thought still awesome). Ms. Armentrout took things slow and I felt like she did this so that readers would also see the strain in Katy's friendship with Dee, Dawson's progression, and Daemon's softer side. I think she did a great job of showing how difficult it is for Dee and Katy to go back to being the friends they were because of the whole Adam thing. It wouldn't have been believable if they easily became friends again after what happened. Dawson was great and I liked how Katy dealt with the situation. Daemon was just being Daemon. Overall, the book wasn't bad and the plot was interesting and thrilling. I liked both the hero and the heroine. Katy is definitely a strong character, but there were moments when I just wanted to slam her head against a wall. Her relationship with Daemon also develops and gets a little more intense (if that's even possible). I strongly recommend this book to fans of reading, YA, Romance, and Jennifer L. Armentrout!

Still a great series and I don't regret reading it!

The ending was a bit of a cliffhanger... I don't want to ruin it for you!

The next book in the series is Origin and I believe it won't be out until July 2013!!!

Jennifer L. Armentrout has confirmed that the next 2 books will be in Daemon's and Katy's POVs!