Saturday, October 6, 2012

Reflected in You

This book definitely reminded me of the Fifty Shades series the whole time I read it... Can't help it, I read Fifty Shades first. Rich guy meets girl, sparks fly, definitely attracted to one another, guy has secrets, girl has insecurities, guy can have any girl he wants, girl argues, girl has a best friend, and so on. 

I'm not saying the series/book wasn't good, it was, but I don't know if Sylvia Day wrote this on her own or just copied the story from E.L. James. Anyways, both series do have their differences. 

Gideon's past is definitely a mystery when starting this book because the first book only hinted at what his past might've been but never really told the whole story. Eva has her own troubled past and she also has insecurities which causes her to doubt Gideon at times. I guess their troubled pasts are what makes them such a great couple. They argue a lot, and even if it is annoying and frustrating at times, it is part of them adapting to falling in love with someone. 

Gideon is learning to compromise with Eva and even when Eva felt as if Gideon wasn't sharing his feelings, you could tell that Gideon was trying and that he did trust Eva more than anyone else. 
This book will definitely test your patience and trust on Gideon, and he WILL test you. Actually, both Eva and him will. It's an emotional roller coaster ride all the way! 

Readers will get a chance to finally know the story behind Gideon Cross. You'll know how he became a rich man and why he has his nightmares. Cary will also still have to sort his life out but he's always there for Eva which is great.

Overall, the story was great and the characters' struggles were really believable. I mean, two troubled souls cannot just suddenly be happy together after being together for less than a month, so all those annoying arguments are part of it. Can't wait to see where Sylvia Day will take the story next!
Entwined with You is releasing on December 31, 2012!